Several years ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed with Melanoma. When she told me, we hugged each other and cried together. I immediately set to work to create a quilt for her. It was my way of tangibly doing something. I gave her the blanket and was honoured with her words of thanks. She posted to her own blog the following message…
Heart Gifts
I was an older teenager, perhaps even a young adult when I first read about the concept of “heart gifts.” A heart gift is just what it says – a gift of the heart. It can be anything at all. If you’ve had contact with children, you’ve likely received many a heart gift, be that a picture, even if you can’t make out what it is (so…tell me about your drawing? – safest way to approach the “what is this?” question) or being honoured with a treasured doll or possession. A heart gift can be anything that someone gives you with you in mind – it might be bought or it might be made. The ones with the most meaning are made or written. One Christmas my family didn’t have much in the way of money so I decided to write out “heart gifts” for my parents and brother. It was quite an eye opener for me to find things to say to each person – I believe I wrote about what I could do for them as a heart gift – doing my brother’s chores for a month, taking out the garbage for my father, doing my mother’s household chores for a month. It was definitely a gift because it involved my putting out energy and being committed to the “gift” for the entire time frame allotted. No backing out, no defaulting to another time. If you give a “heart gift” you have to give it your all.
John and I have been given many “heart gifts” these past few weeks as friends have dropped off food, sent cards of encouragement, phoned me regularly, sent small gifts. They have all meant so much to me.
I received a beautiful “heart gift” yesterday. My friend Jodi made me the most beautiful rag quilt. She has struggled with her own health issues over the past several years so she knows what it’s like. This quilt is special in so many ways. First, it’s a rag quilt – something Jodi and I have talked about as I want to learn how to make one. Secondly, it’s a prayer quilt – certain squares have the praying hands embroidered on them (I love that symbol) – a reminder that prayer is woven throughout my journey. Thirdly (is that even a word???) – Jodi has chosen beautiful earthy colours for this quilt – greens, rusts, golden yellows, browns, creams and a forest scene that is so peaceful to look at – she knows what colours are soothing for me. This is indeed a “heart gift” – it has taken her some time to finish this for me and it reflects the things that I love about nature.
Thank you so much Jodi – this Ragged Prayer quilt will accompany me for the remainder of my hospital treatment visits and will be a constant reminder of your loving heart.
“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person” Proverbs 27:19
Sadly, on March 31, 2017, my friend, Kathryn Pepper, lost her battle with cancer. It was her words that pushed me towards starting this website and making lap quilts for other friends or acquaintances that have been diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of the quilt I made her, but I have attached an image of the praying hands that I used on her quilt.
I miss Kathryn and I thank God I had the privilege of knowing her and being part of her life and journey for a time and look forward to seeing her again one day.